Research Strategy

Amidst a backdrop of challenging equity markets, the rise of passive funds, and upcoming regulatory changes, we believe the need for high-quality research has never been more pressing. EFG Hermes Research will continue to focus not only on our clients’ current needs, but also on future client requirements as the equity business evolves. Our research mission is to offer unique insights into stocks and markets that help our clients stay at the forefront of change and ultimately generate better investment returns. We believe these challenges strengthen the need for proprietary, thematic and fundamental research, something we pride ourselves on. Our research is put together by a diverse range of expert analysts (some with more than 10 years’ experience), and we believe this uniqueness and diversity shine through in our research.
Research Strategy

EFG Hermes Research has grown extensively and is now the largest research team in the region, offering a comprehensive range of research products. Our research gives our institutional, government and corporate clients clear insights into the 19 markets we cover. We also believe in having analysts on the ground to get a better feel for the market and respective companies; our analysts are present in Egypt, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Kenya and the UK. We will continue to leverage our competitive advantages of on-the-ground research, in-depth fundamental research and strong client relations. 

We continue to be recognised as one of the leading research houses and are consistently ranked at the top of equity research polls for our coverage (#1 in Institutional Investor, #2 in Extel). At present, we cover more than 230 stocks, but this will increase significantly as we expand our small- and mid-cap coverage and given the ongoing expansion into new markets and as we build up our coverage in SE Asia, the Indian sub-continent and Africa.


  • Sector Expertise

    Our analysts have in-depth sector experience, thanks to a wealth of corporate and industry-specific experience. We believe this enables our analysts to offer our clients ‘real views’ from the industry and give our clients value-added investment ideas and research.
  • Quantitative Models

    Our quantitative models are extremely sophisticated models, and while they are extremely in-depth we have made them concise and easy to understand for our clients. We believe our quantitative models are one of the main reasons we consistently outperform in terms of client expectations.
  • Macroeconomic Insights

    Our award-winning macroeconomics team will bring you the latest economic news from around the region, and highlight the impact on a regional, sector, and company perspective. The team focus on adding fresh insight, complemented by our on-the-ground presence.
  • MENA & Frontier Strategies

    Our strategy team are focused on a top down view of MENA and Frontier stratgies targeting investment ideas and trades that we believe will help our clients outperform. Our MENA top 20 list has consistently outperformed the market since inception.
